Eastern Promise

What to say about today?
It stared with a fiery sky in the east and finished with a crescent moon shining brightly in a darkening dusky blue sky.

In between, lazy is the word that springs to mind. The Sunday papers took all morning to read and then it was lunchtime. How the hours fly by when you are warm, the house is cosy and you can partake visually of all the activities taking place outside your window without the need to strap on those Yaktrax and skate on icy pavements anywhere over the doorstep.

However since I couldn't meet up with my friend of exceptionally many talents tomorrow as usual, I bestirred myself to walk and have a natter with her this afternoon. It is 5 weeks since we talked and much water has flowed under the bridge since then.
Unfortunately she was laid a bit low with a Christmas cold, but we still managed to put the world to rights in our customary manner.

Imagine my surprise when I found the pavements on the way to her house gritted, salted and perfectly walkable in a normal manner. Things were a bit more scrunchy on the way home after the sun had set, but nothing to what his Lordship found on his message orientated walkabout on the roads around our old castle.
There, it was possible to slide downwards on any incline making his progresss home somewhat precarious. The Dower House, being a bit more central, obviously benefits from more gritting.

Now home and with the benefit of two glasses of wine, it's time to be lazy again. The rest of the ironing can wait until tomorrow.

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