
By Fisherking

Chinese symbols on a robe.............

Here it is, the silk robe the Son and Heir and Young Helen brought from Bejing for my Christmas present.

It's been an odd day. Woke early to go see the Dad's to find heavy snow falling. So we phoned to say we wouldn't be coming as the forecast was bad for heavy snow today and tomorrow. Promptly stopped snowing! In fact it's raining slightly and a thaw has started so we probably could have gone. Now we have to try Sunday and Monday next week, not ideal as we're all back to work on the Tuesday, but ho-hum we really do need to see them both as we haven't seen them since mid-December.

The three of us have got that post Christmas blues feeling when nothing much is happening, and you're fed up with turkey and left overs, and you're just waiting for New Year's Eve. We've sat around doing nothing but watching stuff we recorded over the holiday, Avatar, a few comedy progs, a documentary on the Savoy.

The Boss has decided on pork steaks and pasta for tea and then it might just be an early night.

I think tomorrow I'll run a new line onto one of my reels and set up two rods and put them into my new rod bag ready for the time when all the ice has melted and I can go fishing again. The bag was a present from the Boss and you can set up the rod and then disconnect half way down and pack it away with reel and everything attached so when you go fishing it's a 30 second job to get it out, reconnect the two halves and be ready to start.

Lazy fisherking!

Das vidanya until tomorrow.

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