
By Fisherking

The World's toughest Brazil nut.......

Or the World's clumsiest Son and Heir?

Sometime yesterday evening in between the turkey and the big film, the Son and Heir turned up clutching this. "Look what happened!", "It just broke when I tried to crack a nut", "I wasn't messing about, honest"

So we have a bowl of nuts and no way to eat them. He did suggest a hammer but the Boss wasn't too impressed with the thought of shrapnel flying all round the living room!

On a better note I upgraded my phone today....a shiny new Samsung Galaxy Apollo android with SATNav and lots of other posh features that I haven't worked out free Internet, 500 texts, 600 free minutes and unlimited free calls to land lines....all for less than I was paying! Result!

There's just the three of us now, S&H and Young Helen have gone home and we're just contemplating what to have with the left over turkey for tea.

Supposed to be visiting the Dad's tomorrow but the TV has just had a severe weather warning of lots of snow so we'll just have to see how it is in the morning, don't much fancy 100 miles in a blizzard.

Hope you're all having a relaxing time, Das vidanya until I'm back, either tomorrow if we don't go or Wednesday if we do.

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