jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Today has been a DIY day. Started late - our alarm clock (Ben) didn't go off, and after mum got in at half past midnight and we eventually went to bed at gone 1am, nobody really wanted to get up this morning.

But we did.

And so mum, Ben and I have been out twice. What the chaps at a certain DIY store must have thought of us stocking our trolley up with breezeblocks and sand and cement and tile adhesive... anyway a few of them helped us get the trolley unstuck, and get it towards the car. And would have helped load except our pride said stop there, thankyou very much but we can manage!! After lunch we went off to buy tiles but the garden centre is about to undergo a major reburb so they don't have much stock in - so the tiles are on order and hopefully half the order will arrive Tuesday lunchtime. Dad's going home Wednesday so hopefully if the tiles DO arrive they can get a bit of tiling done...

The floor has been strengthened in the bathroom, most of a piece of supporting wall has been built up in the kitchen, the woodwork in Ben's room has had a coat of topcoat, and Ben has been helping admirably. He has survived on a 5 or 10 minute nap in the car on the way to the garden centre, and this evening after spending the evening running round after granddad he just stopped. "Are you tired?" "Yeah..." "Do you want to go to bed?" "Yeah..."

Up until this evening I had taken zero photographs and suddenly realised it was emergency blip time... I have taken a photo of Ben's toys tidied away, of my hand with my rings on, and then the camera battery died so I took another emergency blip with my phone. You won't be seeing any of them though....

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