Bob the Builder

Here we see the two males of the family busily occupied fixing things for the family nest. Steve has cut a bench down to size and is putting it together, and Ben is practising his hammering skills. Which to be honest don't need a great deal of honing - it took a fair bit of effort for Steve to remove the "nails" from Ben's toolbox....

Yes I'm still here. Nothing happening yet!

Steve's currently upstairs fitting a bit of beading to the doorframe and is then going to paint our bedroom ceiling.

I've been useless all afternoon, evidently the trip to Ikea wore me out far more than I realised (plus two post-midnight bedtimes in a row probably haven't helped either) so Steve has been building things, looking after Ben, filling cracks in the ceiling, cooking dinner (cheese and milk with thick buttered white bread - yum! perfect comfort food which takes hardly any time at all to make), more looking after Ben, DiY, painting.....

And I'm blipping.

And nodding off.

I think I'll have a bath after the ceiling is painted and, while I'm trying to stay awake in there, Ben can help Steve take his cotbed to pieces. If Steve can stay awake long enough maybe Ben's ceiling will get painted as well....


This afternoon hasn't really gone to plan so far, so I don't expect it to do so for the rest!

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