jeni and the beans

By themessymama


While Dad and Steve went on a mission for plasterboard and more breezeblocks, and mum gave the woodwork another coat of paint, Ben and I played with playdough. We made these cool little trains, and Ben learnt how to make them (in theory, the practical application of the lesson proved a little trickier). I don't think it'll be long now before we can start actually baking together. He's getting the hang of pressing the shapes out. Slowly. It doesn't take long before he's bored so possibly the length of time it takes to cut all the shapes out of a batch of biscuit dough might be just enough.

The house is a hive of very dusty activity at the moment, and Ben is fast asleep thank goodness. After yesterday's 10 minute nap I was rather keen on him having a proper nap today. I had to shout at him to keep his eyes open in the can as we went to the supermarket, we had to go there and back and there again as my cashcard was still in Steve's pocket after his trip out to the DIY store this morning... poor Ben. But he managed. I had a horrible feeling that he'd actually succeeded in falling asleep for 2 seconds because he suddenly woke up properly having fought the sleep for 20 minutes - if he had, I would never have got him to sleep this afternoon. But he sleeps. He fell asleep during Steve cutting wood down with the circular saw, so if he can sleep through that racket he'll be fine for a bit.

Off to make dinner now while I've got the chance - sausage casserole tonight :)

Am catching up on blips as and when I can - bear with me while I have very little time!

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