jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben spent over an hour this morning trying to get me out of bed. "Mummy up! Brioche! Dressed! Downstairs! Breakfast! OPEN EYES MUMMY!!" On repeat. And apparently it's worth a try putting your mouth right up to the mouth of the person you are trying to get through to, and speaking directly into it. (I'm glad he hasn't figured out that ears are what we actually hear with.)

After rolling over and dozing off for a bit (during which Ben showed his disappreciation by crying) I gave in and called him over to blow his nose and to have a cuddle, saying we'd go and have breakfast, mummy just needed to wake up a bit. And he only went and fell asleep again. UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK!!!!!!!

I finished undercoating in his bedroom, had a whole cup of hot tea, had some breakfast, spoke to my dad, thought deep thoughts, and still he slept. I was amazed.

He's not slept all day since though, so we've had a busy day. We did get a few moments of downtime (much needed, by both of us). Out to Steyning, saw the butcher (twice, oops), the girls in the greengrocers, saw daddy and had cuddles, car journeys, buggy ride into town to buy a new coat (it's on probation, I am not 100% sure about it yet), trip out to the park (we got home from the shops and I started getting him out of the buggy and he started crying because I had said we'd go to the park...), had cuddles, went swimming - and as we left the house to go swimming, granddad arrived!! Perfect timing. Ben was quite excited. All through our swimming lesson he was going on about granddad (in between splashing and jumping and swimming) and this evening he has spent entirely with granddad, right up until bedtime which was VERY late and he was out like a light.

Now it's time to tidy up and I will go to bed I think - Steve and dad are staying up, waiting for mum to arrive. Hurrah! A weekend of full-on work on the bathroom and Ben's room and the kitchen begins in the morning. Can't wait.

Apologies if I've not got round to commenting on other blips... I managed a few people last night.... I will catch up eventually. This weekend won't be it though. I will be happy if I manage to blip at all - otherwise it will be backblips come next week ;)

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