
By Fisherking

Now dragons wake..................

I took 16 photographs while I was fishing today!

That tells you how good the fishing was!

And they were all of raindrops on water, because it persisted down for a large part of the 5 hours.

The fishing was so poor because the lake is being closed to fishing for a year due to complaints from the local residents. We were allowed to fish our match because we booked it 12 months ago. The lake has been closed since August 1st so the fish should have been hungry, only having "natural" food, but what the owner neglected to tell us was that he had netted the lake and taken most of the fish out!!!

I'm sure that must break some sort of trades description law!

Any way I was tee'ed off, everything was muddy, I was slightly damp and all the shots were grey and I dumped the lot of them.

I took this shot of the Boss's dragons...well.... you've seen my Russian stuff, didgeridoos,floats and rigs, samurai swords etc etc.

The boss likes dragons, but she likes these three in particular, I suppose because the little one has just hatched out, the big one is holding something sparkly and the red one just looks dopey! Her collection has been gathered over the years on holidays and birthdays. She also has a collection of wine bottle stoppers including one of a witch! I see a pattern emerging?..........We have a cat.... she has dragons, frogs and cat ornaments....and a witch.....I couldn't possibly comment!!!!

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