
By Fisherking

My favourite Samurai......

These are my samurai swords.

Don't worry, they're purely decorative and have never been sharpened, although they could be and the tips of the blades are very sharp. They are modern reproductions, not genuine japanese made.

The top one is a Tanto, used for seppuku (or Hara Kiri). the bottom one is a
Wakizashi, a medium sized sword. My mate Shaun has a couple of genuine full length katana, presented to him when he taught karate many years ago. They are real things of beauty and extremely sharp!

I have a thing about Japan and its culture. We have seven different japanese maples in the garden and two Japanese style arches, the pond used to have small koi in it (until the bloody heron ate them!) and the Son and Heir has a brown belt in karate.

I even know a Japanese poem

Teo toriato
Konomama ito
Isuruhito yo
Shizukana yoi ni
Hikario tomoshi
Itoshiki oshiedo idaki

(Translation provided on request . It's a bit soppy and won't do my street cred any good!)

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