....so you had a bad day.....

A crap day really....crap night....crap morning....crap afternoon....and crap evening.

Woke at 4,.40 with a stomach cramp/pain which steadily got worse until about 40 minutes later when I was hit by an attack of the shi.....dire.....diarr......Montezuma's Revenge upset tummy.

No way I could go into work, so called in sick and spent the next 3 hours doing an impression of Steve McQueen in "The Great Escape"............no not the motor bike bit....the bit where he's locked up in a small room!

By lunch time the torrent had abated, spent most of the afternoon trying to shake the headache and nausea by trying to emulate Humphrey Bogart.....The Big Sleep.

Eventually felt human again about 4.00, so the Boss said I could go to the quiz. First game of the season away to HBSC

I knewwe were in trouble when we got our first question...."Which rock star relaesed his first solo album under the title "High Flying BIrds?" Nil points. I knew we were in deep trouble when the opposition's first question was which Manchester United player was voted European Footballer of the Year in 1968?" The answers Noel Gallagher and George Best.....now allowing for the fact that I've never considered the Gallaghers as ROCK stars the questions are supposed to be linked.........................can you spot the link?
No, thought not....well according to the question setters the link is that George Best played for Manchester United and Noel Gallagher supports Manchester City. Tenuous or what?

It went down hill from there with the same problem as last year cropping up, namely one set of questions easier than another...only this time it only seems to be true of the consultation rounds 1,3,5, and 8

We lost the first round 6-4.
Won the second round 2-8 Total 8-12
Lost the third round 9-6 Total 17-18 Lead cut to 1 point
Won round 4 .....0-4 Total 17-22, back to a 5 point lead.
Lost round 5..... 7-4 Total 24-26
Won round 6 4-8 Total 28-34 a six point lead.
Round 7 ....total disaster , I scored my two points on Poker , but the rest of the team blanked on Steven Sondheim, Film Quotes and American English. To be fair the Sondheim question was hard, the Quotes was tricky "What did Sam Goldwyn say was Not worth the paper it's written on/"......A verbal contract....but the question "What do Americans call what we call Candy Floss" should have been scored! (Cotton Candy)
Lost the round 8-2 Total 36-36
Final round went even with both teams getting three answers correct and picking up a pass over from each other to end the night 43-43.

Not a happy bunny.

Here are some of the questions for you to try.......NO GOOGLING!
1.Which metal when alloyed with other metals gives the word amalgam to the alloy's name?
2. Deuterium and Tritium are isotopes of which gas,
3. What is the only relative of the okapi?
4. Who attempted to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London in the 17th century?
5. Which saint is the subject of the film Brother Sun, Sister Moon?
6. Who was the ancient Greek god of the Sun?
7. In 1316 Harvey Distanton became the first holder of which post in the British Government?
8. In 1782 the Earl of Shelbourne became the first holder of which post in the British Government?
9. Which British scientist invented the electric light filament but could not afford to patent the idea, leading to Thomas Edison making the same discovery a year later and being credited with the invention?
10 Complete this quote by Mae West " I used to be like Snow White but then....."

Oh.... you want the answers?
1. Mercury
2. Hydrogen
3. Giraffe
4.Captain Blood
5. Francis of Assisi
6. Helios
7. Chancellor of the Exchequer
8. Home Secretary
9. Joseph Swann
10...."I drifted!"

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Does any one know why I can't get the Johhny Cash song "Ring of Fire" out of my head today?

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