This day

By snapper

Up & down the A83

Jeez when are these kids of mine going to stop using me as their personal taxi
Was in Glas in the morning, collecting washing (machine broke), doesnt want to spin, had to hang a million dripping socks (al of them odd) outside, they were so heavy the line was snagging.
Decided to buy a washing machine so went off to Comet and picked one that has a 1400 spin,(no more dripping socks), it will be delivered and fitted by the Comet boys next week, in the meantime, two eldest have been instructed to remain in the same clothes till then!
Then back up the bloody A82 &83 home, dinner oh yes and I finally succumbed to the abcess in my lower jaw and made a dental appointment for tomorrow, have had this pain for months now but my poor jaw has swollen up now I can't laugh, smile, yawn, talk (everyone likes that side effect) Took the doggies back down with me and pesky Abbie puked in my car (again!) when is that dog going to stop throwing up all over my upholstery?

Reason for going home was to collect daughter no 2 as she has her college induction day tomorrow.

Anyhows I have put in fro two weeks holiday so I can sort my parents stuff out and finally start doing the painful stuff of going through papers, pictures, clothes etc.
Did I say holiday?

Picture rubbish its of the sky at 10.30 outside our city pad

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