Gnome from Gnome!

What fool pre-ceeded the word solstice with summer?
Seriously I think I may become depressed with this flaming rain. Every time I put my nose out the door to walk the dogs etc, I come back looking like a drooket rat!

The headstone epic is making headway (pardon the pun) The latest price quoted by the Co op stands at £900 but I am being somewhat sparse with words! Add to that Galsgow city graveyard charges AND you need to send them the original Title Deeds to the lair!!!How many folks carry that sort of thing about with them? Oddly enough I have had the Title Deeds to the lair in the first page of my diary! now isnt that odd?
Here's another spooky thing. Today #2 daughter emailed me asking what the Clam MacPherson motto was and its Gaelic translation. Having given her the information, I went into the kitchen and began looking through yet another box of stuff that my mother had. I opened a little box and it contained an assortment of broches and one of them ws a badge with the Clan MacPherson crest!! how odd is that given that no one in our family has any connection to that particular clan! Spooky or what!

Today's photo is of some charaters that were also in the box and I have put them on the window sill staring out! A sort of gnome from gnome you could say!

Have a drier blip than I folks!

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