Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


You'd have thought recieving flowers yesterday would have been the highlight of my week. Surely nothing could top that. Well today three parcels I've been expecting arrived. (The city link guy had the cheek to make me go downstairs to collect them, I'm sure I paid for them to be delivered to MY door not the communal door *grumble grumble*)

As anyone who follows my journal will know, I had to give up dairy (amongst other things) about 8 months ago. I had found a fantastic substitute for ice cream but it is nigh on impossible to get around here and even then I can only get vanilla. When I went to visit The Parents I realised they not only did the plain vanilla, the chocolate (which I only ever once got my hands on) but also a blueberry and a raspberry flavour. Well that was it, I just had to find a source for the is deliciousness (mmmm, or a sauce, sauce might be quite delicious on it).

I don't even know how I found it but I came across a website that would deliver my delicious "ice cream" to me. It was a hard decision to make, after all, I had to buy 6 things from the frozen section before they would deliver. How will I ever get through 6 tubs of ice cream! I also found they sold dairy free cheese. Now every other dairy type I can almost cope without but cheese I crave on a nearly daily basis, so I've also got 5 packs of various fake cheeses to try and some filled pasta that doesn't contain cheese!

You'd think all that lovely stuff would be enough but no, there was a third box, this one had general householdy stuff which needed stocked up on anyhow and the most fantastic part of the order of all. Dairy Free Ginger Wine Truffles! I am in love. I've been growing ever bored of plain dark chocolate and not being able to eat interesting chocolates with delicious soft centres but these are amazing, unfortunately you only get 7 truffles and they're quite expensive so they will be an eat slowly and savour box and occasionally bought for very special treats.

Oh and I got to play with dry ice, now that was fun!

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