Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Roman Feast

This evening I was invited to my friend J's for a Roman Feast. I got a lovely photo of her boxing up the left overs for people to take home but as I hadn't asked her if I could use it I thought best not to. J always impresses me with her cooking, especially her ability to cater for any type of food issues.

Most impressive was the fact she made pea soup and I ate it. Now anyone who knows me well will know that I hate peas. They are little works of satan and for the last ten years I have avoided them like the plague. Unfortunately my food allergies have meant that I've had to branch out and eat things that usually I'd rather not. So far I have nejoyed Mushy peas at the Caley and now Pea soup at J's.

Was a really lovely night, good food, good company and a see through plastic cow that you could take the organs out of!

In other news:

I made the stew today that needed that little pot of evil from the blip a few days ago. Never again. At first taste it was ok but then you were hit by an awful after taste. In the end I fished the sausages out and we had them in sandwiches instead. I don't think the lamb can be saved.

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