Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

New Toy

Today I took a stroll out to the local post office to collect a parcel. During this stroll I soon realised that my arches aren't actually healed at all, they just need me to walk more than the few metres around my house before the pain kicks in. Will be calling a podiatrist tomorrow morning and hopefully they will be able to do something to begin to relieve the pain.

The parcel that caused me this pain was from the insurance company. As they couldn't replace my old camera (fz28) they've given me the upgrade so I am now the proud owner of the fz45. Generally it compares quite nicely, only millimetres bigger, few changes in button lay out, up to 14 megapixels and 24x optical zoom. However, whilst the body is very similar, the lens itself is 3mm bigger, which means none of my old filters fit it anymore.

Whilst I still have my dad's fz28 I will be having a play at some comparison shots to compare zoom, macro etc and to learn how to use my new camera.

Currently in the process of finding out if my camera bag will be replaced. It was a Christmas present a couple of years ago so currently trying to track down who's card the payment actually went through on to prove we did own it.

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