Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Not enough hours in the day

There's really not enough hours in the day when your asleep from 4am to noon (becoming nocturnal ready for my midnight powerwalking marathon on Saturday night). That's only 12 hours of potential blipping time and at 11pm it only feels like 6pm. Yet again I've been nearly cut short with the blipping so once again have had to resort to the action fuzzies for a shot.

I'm beginning to realise they are at their most playful at night. In the day they'll run about and get a bit excited if you interact a lot with them but at night you just need to wind them up, put them down and they're off!

We don't get the rice box out often as I'm sure you can imagine the mess that's created when two hyperactive ferrets try and dig in it at the same time. However when we do, they love it. This shot of Weasley was taken just after he surfaced from submerging himself in the rice.

Got a lot of chores done today. Tomorrow's main task will be bottling the 5 gallons of beer that's currently brewing under the kitchen table.

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