Random stream of consciousness

I wonder whether anyone has considered why this barbeque is stood in the middle of the path around the back of our estate. It's been there since Saturday, except on Saturday, it was lying on it's side on the field (I suspect someone wheeled it out to have a barby on the field - I just don't know why they didn't take it back).

I went out tonight to take pictures of some strange clouds and weird light that appeared in the sky around 8.45 this evening. I stumbled across the barbeque (not literally, although that would have been entertaining for anyone passing by!). I took a photo, thinking that I wouldn't use it and I would post the cloud pics. Instead, I saw this image and it made me consider that the barbeque looked like it was heading home, maybe after a long day at work. Or maybe, the barbeque was taking his final trundle on towards BBQ heaven, and maybe, just maybe, the weird light and strange clouds were as a result of the BBQ Gods getting ready to welcome him in. Can anybody else hear the music that used to be played at the end of "The INcredible Hulk" playing in their heads?


Just me then?

Honestly, I HAVEN'T been drinking.

My Aunty Val left a comment on yesterday's blip regarding my response to my Grandad when he told me a long time ago that thunder happened when God was playing bowls. Somewhat disdainfully I corrected him and told him that it was actually static electricity (so ner!).

I got to thinking that my Dad told me similar stories, such as

1. thunder happend when God had his coal delivered (back in the days when we only had a coal fire and the coal man did come and pour sacks of coal into the bunker at the back of our house) and
2. Thunder happened when God had beer barrels delivered to his pub (that's my favourite).

Thunder used to be a thing that I was terrified of. In fact, up until last summer when we had a fantastic electrical stormwhen we were at my mum's place in Spain, I still was terrified. However, I was cured, after spending 8 hours outside on the balcony trying to capture photos of the lightning strikes!

I digress.

I began pondering the whole concept of lies. I don't like liars as a rule, but are there degrees of lying? Is there a point where exaggeration becomes an outright lie and are there times when it is acceptable to do this. For example, I told some children off this afternoon who, for the second day running, were wandering around school well after most staff had gone home for the day, and they shouldn't have been there. So I told them that they were lucky that I was still there as if I had gone home, they would have had to have stayed in school ALL NIGHT as there would be no way for them to get out (possibly this would be true, because to access the external doors a security fob is needed!!!). To be honest, I was just narked at them as I was sat quietly working in my office, virtually no-one in school as everyone was given an early finish from staff training today, and they were being loud and giddy. When I challenged them, they lied about why they were there, and then lied even more about a situation that had got them into trouble yesterday. So then I shouted. Grrrrrr.

I wonder when children realise what lying is and I wonder why some children, and adults, are so adept at using lies as a way to wriggle out of taking responsibility for their own duff decisions. Lies. Oh, and the other thing that narks me is blaming someone else.

Particularly when the one being blamed is actually blameless.

What goes around comes around.

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