Ewwwwwwwwwww - gross. Or...

"The joys of motherhood - Part 1"

Verrucas. Nice. James avoided them for 9 years of his life, then last summer he got them, whilst in Spain. We got some magic foot acid from the spanish Pharmacist. Protected other people from James verucca with swim socks. Treated it. It went away.

Then two weeks ago, it came back, on t'other foot. Probably from doing barefoot PE in the hall at school. The Spanish Foot Acid has been out again and this evening the big nasty chunk of skin came off (not his toe!) and revealed one solitary root.


Reminds me of being a kid - used to get them all the time. Hazard of doing gymnastics for 25+ hours a week. Dad used to attempt to hack them out with his Swiss Army Knife (you know there is a special "foot lurgy removal tool" on the Swiss Army Knife? No, I didn't either, and there isn't one, but it never stopped Dad having a go!!! Christopher got sent to Dr Tate. A friend of my Dad's and he was a real Doctor. Legend has it that he had a magic treatment for the foot lurgy and no-one ever knew what it was made of, but it worked. Sadly, we'll never know as Bernard died a few years ago. He was a fantastic mischief maker of a man!

The joys of motherhood - part 2....receiving letters about Head lice from James primary school. Not him, someone in his class. So into panic mode I go. Checking his head constantly. Is your head itchy love?

However, there are many perks to motherhood. One of them is getting to work with James on his homework (a Maths investigation) and to be surprised and delighted with his unexpected use of the words "anticipation" and "probability" and his explanation of chances when playing a game as part of the task. That was nice.

Another nice thing will be seeing him stand up and deliver his lines in his school performance tomorrow morning.

Anyway, after a long day of monkey hugging, (OFSTED prep) and moderating and preparing coursework sample this evening, I am going to get something to eat. Somehow I omitted to have any evening meal and now I am starving. Crisps and ice-cream it is (at 10.35pm!) It has been worth it for a fantastically productive day though.

Nighty night.

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