Back in time

I don't care what anyone says, those Damsels in distress in early silent movies must have been really tall to lie across the railtracks like they did (or the railtracks weren't as wide?!?!)

I have ALWAYS wanted to do this. Don't panic folks - its a piece of disused railway track at Hadlow Road Station in the Wirral, which has been preserved in its final state from 1952.

All of the photos in the Hadlow Road series have been post processed using a "Daguerreotype" filter - which mimics the effects of the photography process from early to mid 1800's. It felt appropriate for the scenario we found ourselves in this afternoon.

Lovely couple of hours on the Wirral - spoiled only by an exceptionally rude child, who first of all barged past the tripod and knocked it, then on his second rampage up the track TOLD ME TO MOVE (he was only five), then when he was returning (after I had moved) he decided to walk along the section that I had moved to and TOLD me again to move - so I told him "NO, YOU MOVE - I've moved for you once" - little runt - please wouldn't go amiss.

In brief, my day today has been

* visit to registrars office to sort our Notice of Marriage
* posted the rest of the wedding invites and photo album to Corin's brother and new wife
* phone call from police to discuss details about the two reprobates from the park last night
* long chat with cousin Rob....nice to catch up although I had firmly slipped back into scouse accent within five minutes of starting the conversation
* jaunt over to the Wirral
* back to process photos and cook tea
* Local beat PCSO (police) rang and then came round to collect hard copy and disc of images from last night - recognised both individuals immediately! yay for me!!!
* bike ride with James and Jack - 4 miles eventually - involving over a mile of circular tracks around the BMX park, with (get this) me doing "air time" (I nearly pee-d myself with fear and excitement) and JAMES DOING AIR TIME too and loving it.
* back to Jacks - the boys dared, then double, triple, quadruple and infinity dared me to go on the trampoline in Jacks garden - little knowing that I am a demon on the trampoline (no seriously - I can still do somersaults - and tidy ones at that) I get on - they are expecting Sarah to make an arse of herself ...instead, they are speechless and Jack's mum laughs out loud and shouts "you've just been hustled boys".

Home, bath for James, spongebob, supper, more photos uploaded and now its time for my bath.

There'll be another set finished in a bit too (HDR, non sepia)

Night night

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