Scary, but nice

Pupil: "Miss, do you know that lots of people think you are quite scary"
Me : "Excellent, that means I am doing a good job"
Pupil : "I think you are quite nice though, but you are really quite scary."

That, blippers, was the best thing anyone said to me all day!

Well, apart from a number of children sharing with me how pleased they were with their test results in another colleague's lesson that I dropped into. It was brilliant to tell them how pleased I was and how proud they should be. That's what this job is all about.

Scary and nice - who else could I blip, really?

Right, off to pack clothes and camera gear so that we are ready for our little jaunt tomorrow - to the big smoke to see the best brother in the world and his equally awesome wife. Corin might have to drive though because I had pulled my neck today and it is almost completely frozen now - hot bath, early night,'ll be right.....

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