From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Check your nuts!

This is a public service announcement! (Or do I mean 'pubic'?)

Today was a really annoying, frustrating day but it ended up OK. It wasn't Simon's fault. The PC/Desktop guy had been ordered to put the latest copy of BI Publisher on my machine, taking off the perfectly working version that was already installed by him last week before trying to get the later one working.

I was really fed up in the end with my machine being constantly rebooted and tested while the help desk calls and set up requests piled up like falling leaves. I ate too much today filling in the gaps between test versions with sandwiches and eggs. The birds weren't very enthusiastic today either.

One email slightly amused me from a promotion company for concerts thanking me for attending Jim Davidson at Ayr Town Hall and advising me that the Red Hot Chilli Pipers were playing an extra show in December at that same venue.


I wouldn't have gone to see that Cockney twat Jim Davidson in a million years! I was so outraged, I burnt my scrambled eggs while fuming! The pan is still soaking and will stay like that overnight. I am incensed! Good grief!

I already have my ticket to see the Pipers.

My machine was eventually ready for use with the old working version of BI reinstalled. The new version is just not compatible with anything else at all. What a waste of time!

Today's squirrel decided to pause for an inspection as he was on his way along the fence. This must serve as a reminder to all gentlemen to check your nuts regularly! If anyone needs assistance out there, I am more than happy to lend a hand. After today, I am in the perfect frame of mind for squeezing some nuts!

Go large!

Track? The mighty Slade today - Everyday

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