From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A knicker snatcher?

The middle of the week has come and gone. You know when you wake up in the dark, thinking it's only about 2am, you put a toe out from under the duvet feeling the chill and then you pull your foot back in, revelling in the warmth. UUURRRGGGHHHHH! The alarm went off less than a minute later. Who stole the night? I felt so bleary! I put the light on but through half closed eyes, I bumped into Bony and nearly sent him flying down the stairs.

I was all aches and pains today and felt as if I'd been doing the tango in my sleep all night. It was a day of going around slowly. It was cold and dreary all day and I must confess I ate too much! I had an egg muffin for my second breakfast with my tea in McDonalds on the way in, I had a toastie - sorry egg again - after my chat with my team leader at 8am. No real news there. Despite the fact that we are an I.T. section and there are permanent homeworkers dotted throughout the council in other sections, I'll still have to jump through a few hoops to get it given to me as I'd be the first one in our section to get it. It's the final push and will no doubt make it easier for other people who also want it after me.

It was a really busy, messy morning with loads of things going on. Wednesday always seems to be the busiest day with most people in the office. I was glad to escape with Nuzhat for lunch. It was chicken nuggets in McDonalds for me. The girl behind the counter barely glanced at my Clydesdale Bank tenner today. I expect they have got used to me and have given up scrutinising my Scottish notes! Did I tell you a few weeks ago, I was asked if I was trying to pay with Euros as they'd not seen anything like that before?! Dearie me!

It was lashing down with icy rain when we left there and I had stupidly left my umbrella by my desk. It wasn't the weather for photo hunting so just took a few inside Touchwood Shopping Centre on the way back. They were all fairly rubbishy but thought this was a bit strange! The Christmas tree has gone up and the beginnings of Santa's grotto. I presume this a foreign too-early elf trying to get in through the exit or maybe he was an underwear snatcher from Bravissimo trying to avoid capture from store detectives. See the blur from his hasty escape! I could do with some new odds and ends as the elastic has gone in most of my tired old things.... Sigh!

Anyway, enough for today!

Track? This is probably my favourite one ever from the mighty Slade - Everyday

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