From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A rolling stone gathers no moss...

to me
Well it was a very busy Wednesday and I'd better get this done quickly before I go to bed.

The day passed in a blur. That's a good thing I reckon.

It was the usual stop off in McDonalds for my cuppa on the way up to the council house. The staff in Nero's were pulling tables out in front of the coffee shop opposite as I walked by. I must find out what time they open. I'd love a chai latte in future. A lazy crescent moon was hanging over St Alphege's church but I didn't stop.

I spent most of the morning on BI Publisher. Sadly it doesn't work on my machine at all now! Someone who shall remain nameless here insisted that a newer version was stuck on my XenDesktop. The Network guy shrugged his shoulders and spent the afternoon trying to get it to work properly but looking at it a couple of hours ago, he couldn't get it to work at all. Sigh!

I ran out faint with the hunger at 1:30pm and went to M&S to invest in new odds and ends - I shall leave it there - and was amazed to see a store lady getting passionate with a mannequin! She was struggling to get a jumper on him on the display stand. She had one of his arms draped over her shoulder while she struggled to get his arm into one sleeve. I wished I'd been able to get my phone out of my zip pocket in time to take a picture but I was spotted anyway and would have felt silly/cruel.

I hurried back to the office picking up a sausage roll and a chocolate eclair from Greggs as I felt like a comfort cake.

I was late getting home today and the light was already fading so today's squirrel is the best of a bad bunch.

Track? My favourite Stones number today - Time Waits For No One

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