From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Angry birds!

You'd think with the amount of times I trundle up to Scotland, I wouldn't find packing a problem. However I seem to be dithering more than ever about what to squash into my small case. I think I'll forget the tartan drawers... The straw that broke the camel's back and all that...

Anyway, this will be a quickie as I have a cramp in my left foot and need to dance about a bit. Has anyone got a good cure for foot cramp? Apart from amputation?

I got a good crack on with my revamping of a report. I'll hopefully get it working on Monday.

There were lots of birds and squirrels today. Eric and Lucky called in and swiped at each other between mealworms for the best part of half an hour. Doves, blackbirds, pigeons, sparrows and tits all came and went in twos. There were three squirrels though. Trust them to be different!

These two starlings just stood there yelling at each other and I couldn't resist them for today.

Go large!

That's it for now. I must go and stamp about.

Track? Thin Lizzy today - Don't Believe A Word

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