From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Boxes, boxes and more boxes...

Sorry, it was a busy but empty day.

I didn't get time for much in the way of picture taking. I'll be honest, I didn't feel like it either for the first time in a little while.

Go large...

No XenDesktop problems today thank goodness so I was happily logged in by 6:45. Tesco Man came soon after 10. He was cheery enough but had a horrendous cough! I remarked about it and he exclaimed 'You should have heard me on Sunday night! There was green slime everywhere!'

After Ectoplasm Man had left in his van, I put away most of the shopping and went back to my laptop. Strangely, I didn't fancy scrambled eggs anymore....

I emailed Spiers Gumley - the Glasgow property management company who looked after the ground maintenance for Savoy Park in Ayr. Mom had received a bill/statement and had recited loads of daft numbers down the phone at me yesterday and I had no idea whether we owed them something or not.

A lady emailed me back straight away and said she'd send me all the bills and statements in future via email. We pay everything by direct debit anyway but mom freaks about anything with boxes and '£' signs on.

After work I rang mom as usual so she could give me a list of things to order from Tesco up there as I'll be there all next week before I move on to Edinburgh the week after. The doorbell rang while I was on the phone and it was Amazon Man with three gigantic boxes for Mustang Man who lives opposite. Working from home so much, I have a sign outside the door - 'Delivery point for the whole street' and I often dance round boxes in my hall until they are collected. I am kidding about the sign but I might as well have one. Amazon Man came back ten minutes later with two boxes for someone I don't even know at the bottom of the cul-de-sac! He told me he'd thought he'd better not ask me before. Mustang Man collected his three boxes a couple of hours ago. The other two boxes are still there. None are ticking.

Track? A favourite Slade number tonight - Coz I Luv You

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