From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Mince pies for lunch?

Here we go! Monday again!

It's always good to get that out of the way although today was pretty good really. I remembered to pick up the bag of Kodak cartridges I'd left by the front door deliberately so I'd fall over them on the way out. Mission accomplished. Owwww! @@%%%%! You get the idea. I went to McDonalds as usual on the way in for my killing time cuppa. I had mad mind for a snack egg and bacon wrap so I thought I might as well eat for warmth at the same time. Very nice too!

I walked round the corner at the council house just as my door was being pulled open and hurried indoors out of the murky morning. Help desk calls were coming in thick and fast today. I even resorted to ringing people. I hate ringing people! I'll always communicate with people in writing rather than ring them up any day of the week. Using a phone to talk to someone is a last resort for me. It's either an emergency and I have no choice or I love someone very much indeed if I phone them. There is nothing much in between. Today I had no choice and couldn't keep pace. I rang three people before lunch and two people rang me! Horrors! I left a message with Paul and Shauqat that the Kodak cartridges were in the bag under my desk if Captain Kirk came down and fled out the door before 1pm.

My feet took me straight to St. Alphege's church for a change. I'd been walking past it for 27 years walking to the council house but had never been round the graveyard before. It was very smart and well kept despite the age of many of the graves. I only went round the front as it was starting to rain and then I went to House of Frazer (used to be Beatties) looking for a big scarf for the colder weather. I found just what I wanted - mainly green with black speckles - in the first place I looked. Typical that the tag on it said £45! I sighed but decided to get it anyway. Imagine my surprise when the lady behind the counter told me it had been marked down as it was the end of a line and old season. £13.50! I was thrilled!

I virtually skipped back to my desk where a box of mince pies were waiting which I'd requested for my ink cartridges. I managed not to eat them all!

The Celtic cross is best viewed large.

Track? I heard this while waiting at the corner by St Alphege's for a gap in the traffic. I can't believe this is another one from 1966 - Gimme Some Lovin'

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