From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

This is definitely a quickie...

It started badly when I sat in the the front room to log on and my XenDesktop 'connecting' message just whirled and whirled and whirled...

By 7am I'd emailed the service desk which I knew was a waste of time as it's not even open until 8am although I reckon they operate to a different time zone to the rest of the UK and I didn't hear anything until nearly 9. An hour later I was finally logged in properly around 10 which was not great. Apparently, my box had switched itself into maintenance mode. It took ages before they found that out. I was not thrilled!

Even though I'd lost a couple of hours, I threw myself into my work and bashed out a couple of reports after lunch.

No sign of Roland Rat today. I am hoping a cat has carried him away for an early Christmas pressie for its adoring owner.

Eric spent most of today playing with the sunflower seed holder. He couldn't get the hang of bending his head to one of the openings and just pushed the whole container around in circles.

Starlings and tits were around in dozens and the squirrels were very well behaved today. Maybe they witnessed the demise of Ratty?

The dove got my vote today. His mate flew off as soon as I was spotted but this one did a lovely pirouette showing all sides before following his friend.

Go large...

Track? I heard this on the radio today - Addicted To Love

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