On the bus

Up at 4.15 and off in the dark to get the bus. Tim had asked a guard to walk us along the track with a torch. The stars were beautiful again, and this time there were constellations I recognized. I was looking at Orion and so happy when I saw a shooting star.. I know it's the right time for the Orionid shower just now.

I have to say that I have never in my life been on such a crowded bus! This photo was taken after most people had got off and I was then able to retrieve my phone from my pocket! The little girl in front was sick soon after the photo was taken. The road is being remade so is all dirt track and ruts so it took almost 5 hours to cover the 60km between Gogora and Gonder.

We are staying in another nice place right below the castle in Gonder. Spent a few hours looking around the castle after breakfast and then some more time just wandering and stopping for beer and coffee. D has washed his trousers so I'm doing all this blipping while we wait for them to dry. Then we can go out again..

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