Lake Tana

The cock crowed at 3am and carried on until dawn. We got up at 6 and walked down through the village to get back on the ferry. Matthias and Hannah had slept in their vehicle on the boat. The honeymooners had stayed next door to us, and the young man was sick this morning, his head wrapped in a pink towel. Hannah made him tea and we all offered sympathy.
As it had done yesterday, the ferry made three stops, and at each one, we disembarked. Small children shouted "you, you!" and clamoured for photos. Young men crowded round to talk. At our second stop, we were taken to have strong sweet coffee. The middle of the day was hot and bright, but huge cumulonimbus clouds appeared to the north, making a strange light.

The ferry chugged on, and in the late afternoon arrived at Gogora, our destination. We walked a km or so through the village to reach the place where we were spending the night - "Tim and Kim's". Tim and Kim are a young Dutch couple and opened their campsite and lodge seven years ago. I recommend it to anyone who passes this way. 5*.We had dinner with them, Hannah and Matthias, and two Dutch girls who were travelling around Ethiopia.

Returning to our room, we stopped to look up at the stars. So many! I wish we could have stayed longer in this beautiful place, but our bus leaves the village at 5 tomorrow morning. It's the only bus of the day. Alarm clock set for 4,15am....

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