
Chris Lawrence (founder of Facing Africa) had a problem with his one of his shoes - the sole was coming off. He took it to the shoeshine man outside our hotel who sewed it up for the princely sum of 10 Birr (30p).

We spent the morning at the hospital - no operations today and only three patients left on the ward. Most of the patients have gone to the Cheshire home at Menageshe to recuperate and we will be spending the day there with them tomorrow.

We stripped beds and packed up what we could from the ward. We also went to visit the Korean doctor who was sketching in theatre - he kindly gave us the two original artworks to use for FA fundraising.

In the afternoon, we went with Hiroshi to visit the Mother Teresa Home for the Destitute, Dying and Incurable, as he had recently operated on one of the nuns. There are about 600 patients in the home and some of the sights were very upsetting. Despite the desperate plight of many of the patients, many greeted us cheerfully and it is a much better place for them to be than on the street. Everywhere was clean and calm and I felt very privileged to have been there. Photography was not allowed.

Tonight was our final meal with the team..tomorrow night they will fly back to the UK and we will travel on in Ethiopia....

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