Going, going, Gonder

After an early breakfast, it was time to leave Gonder.
Time to return to Addis, the fastest-growing city in Africa. To the north of the hotel where we usually stay, there are huge piles of rubble and it's difficult to walk anywhere without taking huge detours. Construction of a metro system across the city and a railway to Djibouti are causing a lot of disruption. Ethiopia is in the news at the moment, 30 years on from the famine. The world's 9th largest hydroelectric dam (6000MW) is being built in the south of the country. At the same time, there are questions about human rights abuses and the fact that of over 500 MPs in Parliament , only one is from the opposition party.

We did very little today, just walked around the smoggy city, and enjoyed the company of Sarah, who has time off to spend with us. Tonight we went for a pizza and then back to the hotel for a bottle of my favourite Ethiopian beer (Amber St George, if you're buying).

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