Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy


Today was another conference day---this time with Loren's teacher and him. I'm still glowing from the great meeting and compliments from the teacher, I'm a proud mom right now.

Earlier in the day it was time for another batch of sewing repairs. This poor doggie had to have 'surgery' today. He was a good patient, considering that he was split up both sides and also had to have back surgery. This is the only type of surgery that I'll ever be performing. The sight of blood makes me really squeamish and whenever my kids have had stitches or surgery...I was there crying along with them. Doggie was a good patient, Landon held his paw during the surgery. He is now in recovery.

My Blip is mainly about this trusty sewing machine. She has survived many years of use. I received her on my graduation day from my aunt and uncle. Little did I know how much use I would get from her. I've tried several others before, and always returned to this trusty machine. She has served as my second income for years of sewing names on Little League Baseball Uniforms, Football Uniforms and even Hockey Uniforms. She has helped create many baby blankets as gifts and made comfy pajamas for my sons as well as a baby crib set for my niece. Today she helped repair a beloved Veggie Tales Blankie, a favorite Spiderman Shirt & helped Doggie's boo-boos get better. New machines are put on the market all the time...but history has proven newer isn't always better!

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