It's All In A Name

How could one resist a place called Possum Trot Square? In reality, the name was the best part, but we checked it out anyway. It was a collection of little businesses with names like “Grandma’s Attic”, and “The Candle Factory”. It’s really not hard to find fun stuff in places like that but there’s SO much of it that it’s easy to reach burnout stage quickly. I did buy a Hershey’s chocolate candle (hard to resist) and Rob got one that smells exactly like s’mores.

It’s hard to justify an attraction to such a place, but it brought back a foggy childhood memory of something my mother and I named “possum trot” probably 65 years ago. I think it was some sort of flower/fountain/landscape feature that we created in our yard and called "Possum Trot Hill", or "Possum Trot Hollow".

Any memory that old is foggy, but when I saw the sign it made me smile and I enjoyed it anyway; who knows, but I remember that we thought it was a riot. I suppose it’s just one of the many things that remind me of my mother who, through hard times, good times, hell and high water, could always made me laugh.

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