There’s no doubt that autumn has arrived in Indiana now. Every day brings more intense displays of color. I have 2 ½ days left here and the way things are going there’ll be a real difference in that time.

The cold I’ve been fighting off since I got here finally materialized and gave me one miserable night last night. I’m trying to ignore it so it doesn’t spoil my time with Rob, but my head hurts and I am really tired.

On the up side, it quit raining and is supposed to be clear and warmer tomorrow. Of course, being from Washington State I don’t mind rain at all. In fact, I love it, so I’m happy. We have a couple more things planned before I leave on Saturday. I'm going to miss being here. Why is it that it seems to take forever for a vacation to start, but then it's over so fast. I'm hoping Lizzie has missed me as much as I miss her, but if she did she won't let on.

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