
Last year when I visited Indiana, Rob and I went to see a movie, “The Butler”, one afternoon. Halfway through the movie, the picture just quit and after several minutes, the theater manager announced there was a problem that couldn’t be fixed so we were given a sincere apology and a free pass to come back and try again. I had to fly back home before we had a chance to go to the movies again so we didn’t use the passes.

Last week Rob and I went to see “Guardians of the Galaxy” and there was a problem right off the bat with the projection so there was a delay while they got it straightened out. We actually did get to see the movie in its entirety and as we were leaving the theater manager handed out free passes and thanked us for our patience. I thought that was pretty nice.

Yesterday we used those free passes to go see “The Judge” and halfway through the movie it just quit; black screen, dead silence, nothing. After 15 minutes we were told the problem wasn’t fixable and we were given free passes again.
Today we went back to see “The Judge” and actually got to see the whole movie which, by the way, was very good. I was very close to being branded as a jinx on movie-watching in Indiana.

Now, about the blip. Rob and I went for a walk this evening so I could take some pictures and we met Stella and her owner. Stella tried to convince us that she didn't get enough loving at home, but we didn't fall for it. What a sweetie she was.

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