Perfect Autumn Day

What a glorious day to have had off with my little lady! Autumn sunshine really does take some beating. There's just something about the light at this time of year that I really love. And the fresh cool breeze and crunchy leaves on the ground.

Audrey had a two year progress appointment at nursery this morning which involved me taking her in for 9.30am and trying to explain to her that even though I was leaving to go in another room, this wasn't a normal nursery day and I would be back. She just looked really confused. And when I finally did come back she burst into tears (of relief, I suspect).

The appointment went well. They seem to have a good handle on Audrey although it was interesting to learn that she's still shy in big groups.

I've recently dropped her nursery days down so that I can spend an extra day a week with her on my own. Today made me remember how wonderful those days can be. We had a great day together visiting parks, libraries and doing many many jigsaws!

Work has gone a bit bonkers with three new business enquiries today alone! I had to field a few calls and emails whilst being with Audrey which I always find really tricky. A bit of Winnie The Pooh on the telly box helped at one stage. I always feel guilty putting the TV on when we're home together - I try and make it a last resort. I think Audrey would watch TV all day otherwise!

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