Home Birds

Well, what a happy little girl my daughter was today! I honestly haven't seen her this content for weeks. She's such a home bird (like her Mum) and when she realised she was staying at home today AND that the Gagas were coming - her little face lit up!

They have been away for two weeks and seemed to have missed her too. There was lots of laughter in the house.

I stayed local, working from home this morning after my Dad kindly set my desk up in my new/old room. Then I headed to Beech Road with my laptop accompanied by a flat white (and a chocolate brownie - oops). Had one of those, "I love living in Chorlton" days today. It really is a very special place.

Audrey helped me with some chores when they'd gone (OK hindered - but sssshhh she doesn't need to know) and I made some Moroccan Lamb while Cbeebies did it's magic. It's nice to cook again having had no kitchen for a while and then eaten out lots for holidays/ birthdays etc. Turns out I'm a bit of a home bird too.

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