Clash of worlds

Audrey's best friend was back at nursery today so we had no bother this morning. She seemed pretty excited to be going which always makes my life a lot easier. See pic of her en route with one of her favourite toys, Daddy Bunny (Angus bought this for her at Christmas when I was only four months pregnant so it was officially her first teddy!)

The sun was shining again (but the weather had a finality to it today - think that might be our lot sadly!) I had the house to myself and my new office so worked really well. Am enjoying work a lot at the moment.

A client came down to Chorlton and we had a meeting over lunch. It was a bit of a clash of worlds as people from my "Mum life" kept saying hello and I was a bit distracted by all the buggies and friendly faces! Should probably keep Chorlton as my escape from work in future.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend without too many commitments. Angus still needs to relax as he's not well and I think we could all do with a flop!

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