Lunch in the sun

OK am starting to finally get a handle on this medication. Changed when I take it to midday which means this morning I woke up and knew I had a 'normal' morning without feeling drowsy and nauseous. Am going to see if I can gradually push the time I take it to the afternoon or evening over the course of this week.

On the plus side, I felt brilliant this morning. The hormones are definitely being beaten away (which was the whole point!) as normally at this point in the month, I would be in a puddle of despair by now.

The builders and painters are back at the house. Goodbye clean house, hello chaos, dust and paint fumes. This has better be worth it! I got out of there as early as I could with Audrey who was very reluctant to go to nursery today bless her. Her best mate Sylvie wasn't there and it makes such a difference. She was quite distraught. Hoping she'll be OK at pick up later.

Worked from Media City today and got lots done. Had a lovely half hour with my book in the sun on a deck hair at lunchtime too (see pic). Am definitely seeing the bright side of life today!

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