Ducks and swings

A very poorly Audrey came in bed with me last night after crying her heart out in the cot. She's really unwell with red eyes, a runny nose and painful ears (as she keeps bashing them). She must have picked it up at nursery at a guess.

She's not a natural co-sleeper so it was a restless night. At 3.30am Angus came in from work and his arrival in bed seemed to wake her up completely. Eventually she went back to her cot and was crying on and off until morning.

She seemed so ill this morning and the last thing I wanted to do was take her anywhere but we had promised the in-laws a visit and I couldn't face cancelling as they would have been really disappointed and they don't see her that often.

She managed a few happy moments whilst she was there and she is really warming to her other Grandad which is good to see. Her Nana is a bit more subdued with her so that relationship might take a bit longer to develop.

We went on a walk to see the ducks (see picture) but it was more for them than Audrey as she wasn't with it at all. I felt pressurised into getting her out of her pram in the cold and wet for a swing. Her streaming red eyes and nose meant it wasn't the right thing to do but it wasn't worth a fall out. I am always on egg shells in situations like these with the in-laws.

I'm worried today might have made her more ill. My mothering instinct says I should keep her at home and off nursery tomorrow (even though I have lots of work to do). She will only be miserable and ill without her Mum and I can't let that happen.

I loathe it when she's ill. It breaks my heart.

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