
What do you get when you have a zombie, medicated Mum and an overworked, tired Dad? A pretty boring day at home, that's what.

Poor Audrey. We weren't much fun today.

I have zero motivation on these bloody pills I am on. Am still really groggy and fatigued. Angus got in at stupid o'clock last night despite working a day shift too (I am sure his hours are highly illegal).

Normally I'm the one that gee's us up. Makes plans for the weekend. Packs the car. Makes the lunches etc. But I just can't seem to make any decisions. So without me steering, nothing really happened.

Audrey had a walk down Beech Road. And a play in Chorlton Park but otherwise we just flopped about at home. Potty training stalled with a few more accidents and very little interest from Audrey.

She did have a very enjoyable ten minutes helping me do my make-up this morning (see pic) though. She loves watching me put it on and is always trying to imitate me as is the right of passage for little girls. She is growing up so fast.

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