Set piece

Now Autumn is well and truly here, we've slipped back into familiar Saturdays. A long walk and lunch, our Saturday family "set piece".

It was Salford Quays today for lunch at Wagamama's - see moody grey pic I took.

Audrey is still a little out of sorts (sniffly and under par) so we followed our Eating Out M.O. Basically get in, order quickly, amuse Audrey until our food arrives, then take it in turns to feed her whilst the other eats.... (almost) never fails!

Was in a real sorting out mood when I got back so cleared out the summer wardrobe and packed it away :( Had a rifle through my old clothes and picked out stuff that still works, hung up all my new stuff and packed everything else up for eBay or charity. Felt good.

Now ensconced on the sofa for a Strictly X Factor sandwich. Even made our family favourite, cheese potatoes. Now it really does feel like Autumn.

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