
At first, it was a disgustingly muggy day with a heat index of 108 degrees. There was no way I was poking my head (never mind the rest of my body) out of the house until it cooled off.
Then the storms came. Lots of thunder and lightening with plenty of rain. It cooled things off quite a bit but it still felt like pea soup outside. I tried taking a few outdoor shots and my camera lens kept fogging up. Supposedly, more storms are coming tonight and tomorrow will be much nicer.
Meanwhile this left me without a Blip and it was already dinner time. I picked one of my favorite things in my house to Blip. When I had my kitchen redone a few years ago I chose these tile for the backsplash behind my stove. I found the artist online. It makes me feel like I'm looking out a window when I'm cooking.

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