Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Cheerio Rocky

Giving Rocky his supper, very late or very early, depending on your viewpoint . Just gone midnight and I have finished packing, and I'm having a wee glass of wine before I hit the sack.

G has set the alarm for 2.45am, to get us up in plenty of time for the drive to Edinburgh for our flight.

I hate going away on holiday more with each year which passes. I would love to stay at home with my annoying wee dug, and do some gardening and sort out a bit of painting and stuff in readiness for winter. Sorry for sounding like a whinge, when I know that I am really lucky to be able to afford a holiday.

Luckily , my brother-in-law stays in the house while we are gone, so Rockster does not have to leave his comfort zone and gets lovely long walks every day. I just wish it was me who was walking him.

When I get back it will just be 8 days to the Referendum.

Jeez. Us.

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