Times Of My Life

By CarolB


It has been a week of tears.

Grandad Arthur passed away on Monday, aged 99 years and 11 months.  Alzheimer's robbed his last 7 years of the dignity he deserved, but he was a gentleman until the very last day of his life.  G's Mum and Aunt were with him every second until he left this life, and neither of them ever heard him swear or saw him drunk.

My work has been horrible this week too.  I have a lovely boss, who I respect and like.  Unfortunately, she has a horrible boss, who seems to feel that the whole purpose in life is to make life harder than necessary for those who work for you. This nasty baggage, married to a GP and a so-called practising Christian, has made my nice boss's life hell for the past year.  And she is once again having a go at my boss (who is a single parent, and recent survivor of cancer). 

It's very difficult, because those of us who know what is going on are powerless to do anything about it due to the fact that we have no status, nor any concrete proof as Bad Boss is a clever woman, who only does her bad stuff when there are no witnesses. 


And also today, the pictures in the papers of the child dead on the Turkish beach.  What can you say or do?  Except cry. 

I think, as probably all parents and grandparents do, what if that wee body was my little one?  How can we not cry to see such sights which were put in motion by the actions of the British Government and their foreign policy in the early 2000's ? 

My picture from today is the view from the field across the road from my house.  The balers have been in, and now the field is perfect for lunchtime dog walking.  In this shot I can see my house, and part of this small village that I live in. 

We are so lucky.  All around is good farm land, mountains, and beautiful sky.  I live close to all my family, and my children are healthy and strong. I live with a man I love, who makes me laugh. 

Today though, I have shed tears.  


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