Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Referendum Rush

Tonight I went with my sister Marion and my nephew Taylor, to Perth Concert Hall, for the debate (hosted by The Courier newspaper) between Alistair Carmichael MP, Scotland Minister, and John Swinney MSP, Finance Minister.
Not as exciting as last night's Q&A session with Alex Salmond in the Salutation, which was amazing, but still very interesting and engaged.

Funnily enough, the only 'bad behaviour', was from two elderly citizens, who were quite obviously going to be voting 'No'. They were the only ones who did not obey the ground rules which were: show courtesy to the panel; show courtesy to each other. I think it might be the case that those who are voting 'No', feel that the rest of us are making a judgement of them and their values, and this leads them to behaving in a hostile manner. I've seen this quite a lot, and it's not nice, nor is it true.

Whatever, me and my sis had a lovely time, and at the end of the evening we had to make a pit-stop at the loo. Coming out, we found ourselves right by John Swinney, who was chatting to some supporters. So naturally, we had to get our photo taken with him.

Taylor was instructed to take a shot of us with John in the background (that's him with the bald head and the glasses!), and then we actually got one of the two of us talking to John. Unfortunately, by that time Taylor's patience had worn thin, and it was totally out of focus!

To any of my lovely fellow Blippers who are from outside of Scotland, I can't imagine this is of great interest to you, but please believe for us it is a moment in history! I'm living and breathing Referendum just now, and I am totally gutted that tomorrow I am going on holiday for a week, and will miss 7 whole days of this most vital period.

Adios amigos, I'll back blip every day of my holiday when I get back. Missing you already.

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