A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A grand day out

Early morning fitness camp. Tough but oddly fun. Carl's not sure what's happened to me.

Rallied the troops to head way out East to the Matisse Cut-Outs exhibition at The Tate Modern. Really excellent and pleased we were able to find the time and made the effort to go before it closes next weekend. And always lovely to wander around town with the munchkins.

Headed back West to spend a lovely long afternoon with some of our oldest friends. Kids played happily after the minorest of interventions to initiate a Minecraft pause which led to a 3 hour Dr Who Monopoly marathon. And we drank many cups of tea and chatted the world away .

Sadly got home to find that the builders had not in fact been in finishing the kitchen so more chasing required tomorrow.

But won't let that niggle spoil a grand day out.

Only one more day of the holidays to go...

Lesley x

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