A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Free Jumping

An alarmingly productive day that felt like the most normal one we have had in a very long time. And quite surprisingly so after a disturbed night dreaming I was in a real life game of cluedo.*

This morning took the kids' to get their eyes tested; J's are perfect and Anna has astigmatism and is a little long sighted so is going to experiment with wearing them for reading, computer games and homework. You've never seen a child happier to choose a pair of glasses. Then sent the boy home to complete a piece of homework (he doesn't have as much as the ongoing references might be suggesting but each piece takes him quite a while) and took Anna to the hairdressers to have the aftermath of her summer hair dealt with.

Home for a quick lunch and taking the pup out for a long and very muddy walk.

Then a jumpy afternoon for the kids and one each of their friends at a fabulous new trampolining place that has opened up nearby. Anna is keen to have her birthday party there so we went to check it out. They spent an hour jumping around and I spent an hour in the cafe overlooking it all drinking very nice coffee, sort of working and mainly taking grainy photographs. Here's one of Anna.

All back here for more play for the kids and for an Anna inspired cooking frenzy for me...homemade meatballs and pasta and lemon drizzle cake for the kids and stuffed turkey mince peppers for us. And some random broccoli bread which is considerably nicer than I appreciate it might sound.

Oh and I did some washing too. Though before I get too excited and think I have time to polish my halo I should probably 'fess up to the unpacked suitcases from he summer.

Lesley x

*tomorrow I start work properly, ie with real people so it is a predictably dull anxiety dream.

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