Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Bandit Battle

Mummy was going to Glasgow tonight, to King Tut's , to see her cousin's band play (We Came from Wolves). Daddy was going to a birthday party in the Borders. So Pops picked the Bandits up and brought them back here for the weekend.

Arlo was determined to play Superheroes, and managed to persuade G to play too. Lots of rolling around on the grass followed, accompanied by sound effect such as:"Kapow!", "Kerrrrack!", "Wheeeeeeeeee!", "Kaboooom!" Eventually wee Ida decided to pile in too, although I have no idea if she was a 'Goodie' or a 'Baddie'!

Auntie Marion came for a visit, then we had tea, and more playing outside in the garden before bedtime.

They'll be up at 6 o'clock probably, so I'm off to bed very soon. Night-night.

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