New room

... And a little teaser on the joy of screws, bolts and swelling that is my left leg.

I managed to get upset enough last night about the mad blind woman that I was sharing a room with to get moved today. She kept getting up and wandering round, clutching to my bed to keep her balance. The nurses just kept shouting at her in the end to stay on bed which seemed to do the trick.

Today I am sharing with a Dutch woman who apparently has a few words of English. She is v busy with her three visitors though and to be honest I am not very chatty.

I am ok though. It was a busy morning of breakfast, small nap, doctor visit, establishing we had no common language but I did recognise him from the other night as my surgeon, new dressing and first efforts at going home. I thought I would be capable of talking to the insurance company but after one conversation I have delegated it all to Clare. They wondered if when I said 'no mobility' could I still sit in a chair for 3 hours and use crutches?

I have just finished my book, thank you JB - I enjoyed it muchly, Whatever it takes. Now I am going back to peruse other suggestions from yesterday.

My new bed is next to the window, tomorrow I may blip the "view".

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